Natural Eloquence Divastation

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Friday, August 10, 2001  
Natural- you're probrably wondering what Natural Eloquence is all about. Well as of July 25, 2001 I made a huge step in this journey called life. I chopped off my mid back length relaxed hair into a TWA (teeny-weenie afro). Momentous because this is the first time in my adult life that I'm actually learning what my real hair texture feels like. Curly, kinky, nappy, and strong my hair is back to being thick for the first time in what seems like an eternity. Its become my friend and my obsession- gently pampering it with any good, natural products I can find to place into it. I plan to start an entire journal just based on my hair journey and hopefully I can shed some light into the process and allow other black women to realize it *IS* an option if you choose.

To read this I'm sure you have no idea of what on earth is the big deal with black women and their hair? Hey you may not know there's a deal at all. Last week I read the book Hair Story and I get really deep into books. Whew to see the history of beautiful African traditions of braiding and hairstyles and the sheer amazement other cultures had of them I now see just how deeply the lye has been inset in our society today that black hair is not beautiful or admired in its natural state. Then I hear soooooo many times "I could never cut my hair, it has to be long." I'm honestly amazed that anyone could be surprised or shocked about the addiction of many women to weaves. Let's face it there's 2 major factors here #1 most of them have relaxed hair. Relaxed, damaged, overprocessed hair gets thinner and thinner over time. Its easily damaged and destroyed by just the slightest mistreatment so weaves become the only solution to getting anything close to thick hair. #2 Women WITH long hair are addicted and obsessed with it- why wouldn't you expected women without it just to be just as hooked?

Last night I stayed up late watching various programs and wound up (I know bottom of the barrel but at 2 am nothing else was on!) watching Ricki Lake. The show was based on "Fake Women" who wore hair weaves and bra enhancers. Definitely gave me some insite watching this woman with long, overprocessed, stringy greasy relaxed hair who was criticizing her sister for wearing a ponytail weave. She continued on and on about how she was all "natural". Oh give me a break- if you were natural you'd have a full hair line and hair that withstands the seasons, the weather and time like our ancestors. I don't condemn what anyone does with their own head or body- its your choice. This body is the temple God gave you- it is up to you to take care of it and treat it according to how He would have you live.

2:04 PM

Thursday, August 09, 2001  
How hot is hot? Don't ask anyone in Seattle. Its constantly amusing to me to hear the lamentings of my fellow Seattleites on the horrors of the 75 degree heat. I turn on the news to see all of the heat waves, power outages, 100 degree records and can't help but to maybe think this place might not be so bad. If someone had told me a few years ago in Texas that 75 degrees was a possible high for the middle of August I would have surely thought them crazy or suffering from heat stroke.

My site for today the dream domain If you've ever wanted to fly and float through 3dimensional space while conversing with your fellow critters- this is the place for you.
1:26 PM

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